Damien vincent - vincent photography

I'd like to kick off the week by celebrating the efforts of a fellow photographer here in Cranbrook, Damien Vincent of Vincent Photography. He's been shooting weddings and portraits in the area for a number of years, and when everything started shutting down due to Covid,

Damien took it upon himself to offer Front Porch Portraits by donation, and through his efforts was able to raise over $5000 to donate to the Cranbrook Food Bank!!

How has Covid affected how you operate?

Covid has affected my business with me having to step back from some photography. I’ve had most brides and grooms have to cancel their weddings this year and it’s been tough. Tough on me because it’s an income but honestly even more than that it’s something I look forward to every single summer. Photographing weddings are probably my favourite thing. I feel even more so for my clients though. Having to plan a wedding can be stressful enough at the best of times let alone having to cancel everything and reschedule. Everyone has been so good to me and I’ve been doing my best to accommodate everyone during this time with this process. As far as everyday life, I tend to keep to myself for the most part! At my day job things have changed a bit but I’ve adjusted pretty well. I am looking forward to things getting back to normal someday, whatever that new normal may be.

Are you seeing any positive sides to this situation?

The positive and uplifting things I’m seeing during this time is the community banding together to help each other out. I’ve been obviously most moved by the absolutely incredible generosity of Cranbrook and the surrounding areas when I did my Front Porch Family Photos. I couldn’t believe the amount of money raised in such a short amount of time for the food bank here in town. Just goes to show there are so many good people out there who are willing to help out those who may be a little less fortunate.

How have you been finding joy or creating some fun during this time?

To create joy and have fun during this pandemic I’ve actually been really just focusing on myself. Me and my best friend (my dog, Vegas) have been going for daily walks in the community forest which we both enjoy so much and benefit from both physically and mentally. I’ve got a big yard and I really enjoy being outside doing yard work. I’ve also had a few social distant gatherings with a few close friends and my family too which have been so great. Friends and family are definitely a great type of therapy for me!

Is there anything you'd like to share, or wish people were aware of currently?

As for anything specific to share or wish people knew right now, well mainly that even though times are strange and stressful right now, as we all know things will get better, it’s just going to take some time. I’m going to do my best to continue to bring some smiles to those around me through my everyday life and through photography and I hope that people will pass on the kindness and continue to be the good in the world.